Google Cloud Platform allows you too visualize data on resource usage through the monitoring page. But this data is not accessible in raw format. During my internship, I needed this data on one of my dashboards. I thought there would be an easy way to export it, but boy was I wrong.
A senior pointed me to this resource -> Reading metric data so I figured that the only way to collect metric data is by requesting the Monitoring API.
So I came up with a python script that does it (simplified) :
from datetime import datetime, date, timedelta
from import bigquery, monitoring_v3
class Collector:
def __init__(self, project_id: str, location: str = "us-central1"):
self.client = monitoring_v3.MetricServiceClient()
self.project_id = project_id
self.location = location
self.project_path = f"projects/{project_id}"
def fetch_metric(self, metric_type: str, metric_name: str):
"""Returns metric data for input metric and resource types.
Calculates metrics using MQL from 00:00 to 23:59:59 for yesterday
Code template :"""
end_time = datetime.combine( - timedelta(days=1), datetime.max.time())
start_time = datetime.combine( - timedelta(days=1), datetime.min.time())
end_time_sec = int(end_time.timestamp())
start_time_sec = int(start_time.timestamp())
nanos = int((end_time.timestamp() - end_time_sec) * 10 ** 9)
interval = monitoring_v3.TimeInterval(
"end_time": {"seconds": end_time_sec, "nanos": nanos},
"start_time": {"seconds": start_time_sec},
# I am aggregating one day's worth of data to one point
aggregation = monitoring_v3.Aggregation(
"alignment_period": {"seconds": 86400},
"per_series_aligner": monitoring_v3.Aggregation.Aligner.ALIGN_MAX, # choose align method
results = self.client.list_time_series(
"name": self.project_path,
"filter": f'metric.type = "{metric_type}"',
"interval": interval,
"view": monitoring_v3.ListTimeSeriesRequest.TimeSeriesView.FULL,
"aggregation": aggregation
for result in results:
data = [
{"Time": end_time.strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S'),
"MetricType": metric_name,
"MetricValue": result.points[0].value.int64_value}
return data
def load_metric(self, data, dataset, table):
"""Writes data to Big Query table"""
client = bigquery.Client(project=self.project_id)
table_ref = "{}.{}".format(dataset, table)
table = client.get_table(table_ref)
errors = client.insert_rows(table, data)
if not errors:
print("New rows have been added.")
print("Encountered errors while inserting rows: {}".format(errors))
if __name__ == '__main__':
collector = Collector(project_id='silicon-synapse-372206')
response = collector.fetch_metric(
collector.load_metric(data=response, dataset='metrics', table='metric_data')
If you notice its just 2 functions fetch_metric()
to request the metric data from monitoring API, and load_metric()
to load the response to a Big Query table.
Now to put this script on a daily schedule I need 2 things, a scheduler and some compute that scales to zero when not in use.
Cloud Run Job was the perfect service for this use case.
To use cloud run I need a container, so I created a python image and had the following commands in my docker file
FROM python:3.10-slim
COPY ./src/ ./
RUN pip install -r requirements.txt
CMD ["python", ""]
My folder structure looks like so
└── metric_collector/
├── src/
│ ├──
│ └── requirements.txt
├── .dockerignore
└── Dockerfile
to build and push the container to GCP container registry I used the foloowing commands in terminal. You might face some authentication issues and you can use the command gcloud auth application-default login
to get past that
docker build -t<project_id>/collector:latest .
docker push<project_id>/collector:latest
and with that I had the container created in GCR
Next step is to create the cloud run job which was very straight forward, once created I had to setup a schedule under “TRIGGERS” tab, it enables a cloud scheduler instance to send HTTP requests to cloud run job, you would need a service account which has these permissions : Cloud Run Invoker ; Monitoring Viewer ; and a permission to enable write access to Big Query table
You can find documentation on creating cloud run jobs on schdule here:
Once you all that setup, the cloud run job should run as per your scheduler and write data to Big Query
Here is how the final architecture looked like :
You can find all the code here –> GCP-Monitoring-Metrics